How Sprouting Unlocks Whole Grains
for Better Bread

Why Sprouted: How Sprouting Unlocks Whole Grains for Better Bread | Silver Hills Bakery's What Why Try Sprouted Education Series

Everything You Need to Know About Sprouted Bread

Why Sprouted Grains are Our First Ingredient

Silver Hills Bakery began with a family recipe and a shared belief in the power of sprouted whole grains to empower healthier lives. Over 30 years and millions of loaves later, sprouted grains are still our reason for being—that’s why they’ll always be our first ingredient.

Sprouted Whole Grains + Silver Hills Bakery Bread

Sprouted Bread 101: Watch Now!

Learn the basics of sprouted bread in 30 seconds.

Illustration of sprouted bread baking in an oven

What is Sprouted Bread?

Sprouting makes what’s already healthy about whole grains even better. Naturally.

How? When whole grains sprout, enzymes break down proteins, starches, and antinutrients making them softer and less bitter—perfect for making bread!

Unlike regular bread, sprouted bread is made with mashed sprouted whole grains, not flour.

And while some recipes mix sprouted grains with up to a 50/50 blend of flour to make them soft and fluffy, at Silver Hills Bakery, sprouted grains are always our first ingredient.

Learn more about sprouted whole grains—and what makes sprouted bread special—in Part 1 of our What? • Why? • Try! sprouted education series.

Illustration of a sprouted whole grain

Why is Sprouted Bread Better?

Sprouting unlocks whole grains to deliver better-for-you nutrition, easier digestion, and steady energy. And there’s a significant body of scientific evidence to back that up!

With antinutrients out of the way, the nutrition in sprouted whole grains is easier for your body to use. 1 , 2

As proteins and starches are broken into amino acids and simpler carbohydrates by the sprouting grain,1 they become easier to digest.3 And sprouted grains are full of slow-release carbs to serve up steady energy4 to fuel active lives!

Learn more about sprouted whole grains—and why sprouted bread is better for you—in Part 2 of our What? • Why? • Try! sprouted education series.

Illustration of sprouted bread

Tasty Ways to Try Sprouted

Sprouted whole grains elevate everything we love about bread! But the goodness doesn’t stop at your favourite sprouted slice—fresh sprouts are a wholesome upgrade on your sandwich, too!

Toppings and salads are just the start—sprouts are scrumptious in spreads, snacks, or by the bowlful at breakfast.

And sprouting at home is deliciously easy with a few safety rules, simple tools, and quality seeds, grains, or legumes to sprout.

Learn what to make with sprouts—and how to grow sprouts at home—in Part 3 of our What? • Why? • Try! sprouted education series.

Beyond 101: Read Our Top Articles on Sprouted Whole Grains

Take your learning of sprouted whole grains to the next level. We’ve curated our best articles to help you understand how supporting your health and wellness can start with something as small as choosing a slice of sprouted bread for your morning toast or lunchtime sandwich.