Why is Sprouted Bread Better?

Why Sprouted

Is Sprouted Bread Better for You?

What are the Benefits of Sprouted Bread?

What are the Benefits of Sprouted Bread?

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What Does Sprouted Bread Taste Like?

Article What are the Benefits of Sprouted Bread?

The Benefits of Sprouted Whole Grain Bread: Why Sprouted Bread is Better

Sprouting unlocks whole grains to deliver better-for-you nutrition, easier digestion, and steady energy. Explore the benefits of sprouted bread—and the science behind the power of sprouted whole grains!

Three Ways Sprouting Makes the Whole Grain
Nutrition in Sprouted Bread Better:

Benefit 1:

Nutrition That’s Easier for Your Body to Use

Sprouting harnesses one of nature’s oldest processes to make the nutrients found in whole grains easier for your body to use.

Sprouting—the early growth of a plant—breaks down antinutrients that protect the vitamins and minerals stored in every seed (see What are Antinutrients?). As the sprouting process breaks down phytate, nutrients like iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorous, B vitamins, and other important vitamins and minerals1,2 are unlocked.

Breaking down antinutrients so your body can access the vitamins and minerals they protect isn’t the only way sprouting helps make whole grains even better.

Sprouting increases antioxidant activity and polyphenol content in whole grains, too.3,4 Which antioxidants and by how much depends on the type of grain and how long it’s sprouted. (Sprouted whole grain wheat has higher vitamin C and E (and more folate) than non-sprouted wheat).4,5

And all of that means you and your family get even more nutritional value from sprouted whole grains than you get from unsprouted ones!

Benefit 2:

Easier to Digest

As a new plant starts to draw on the proteins and starches stored in a seed, it uses enzymes to break these down into amino acids and simpler carbohydrates to fuel its growth.1 This makes sprouted whole grains and seeds easier to digest for people, too!6

Beyond breaking down proteins and starches into easier to digest forms, sprouting changes the type (insoluble and soluble) and total amount of fibre in whole grains.2 As the fibre changes, it acts as a prebiotic7 to help support friendly bacteria in your digestive system, making sprouted grains even more gut-friendly.

Sprouting also reduces gluten content in whole grains.8,2

Sprouted wheat still contains gluten well above levels considered safe for celiacs, but some people find sprouted wheat breads easier to digest.

Benefit 3:

Steady Energy for Active Lives

Whole grains are high-energy foods, rich in fibre and important vitamins and minerals. Compared to refined grain foods, the complex carbohydrates in whole grains serve up energy for longer.

In a time when sugar-bashing is almost a sport, sprouted whole grains offer a healthy, slow-release carb contrast to refined carbs.

Some studies suggest sprouted whole grains may have a lower impact on glycemic response than even their unsprouted whole grain counterparts.3

That means they can give you steady energy to help your body keep up with your full life!

Goodness You Can Trust

Sprouted whole grain bread gives you and your family a slice of nutrition served exactly the way nature intended. So, when you choose sprouted whole grain bread, you can trust you’re getting all the simple and delicious nutritional goodness and health benefits of whole grains—but better!

Up Next in Why is Sprouted Bread Better?

You’ve learned three ways sprouting makes sprouted bread better—now see how sprouted whole grain bread stacks up to conventional multigrain bread in our slice-by-slice comparison!

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Silver Hills Bakery’s Sprouted Education Series:


Part 1: The WHAT of Sprouted Whole Grains


Part 2: The WHY of Sprouted Whole Grains


Part 3: Now TRY Sprouted Whole Grains