Article Sprouted Whole Grains: Our Choice for Better Bread

February 26, 2018

Article by

Silver Hills Bakery

We know you know that whole grain breads have superior health value over those made from refined flours stripped of their essential nutrients. After all, that’s why you’re here. Even better than whole grains? Sprouted whole grains add potent benefits for better bread and better health. Here’s why:

Sprouting gives wholesome grains an enhanced nutritional boost. Grains are seeds, designed by nature to promote optimal new growth. Sprouting breaks down seeds’ protective defences, retaining all the nutrition and fibre while unlocking valuable nutrients readily available for your body to absorb1.  

To begin the sprouting process, we start by soaking the whole grains, a process that bolsters whole grains’ healthful potency. Just the right amount of water is needed to kick start the germination process. By soaking grains with care and purpose, we can provide the amount of moisture and warmth needed for important enzymes to reach peak activation.

By signalling the sprouting process, soaking breaks down the digestion inhibitor phytic acid. Sprouting gives wholesome grains an enhanced nutritional boost. Grains are seeds, designed by nature to promote optimal new growth. Sprouting breaks down seeds’ protective defences, retaining all the nutrition and fibre while unlocking valuable nutrients readily available for your body to absorb1 and reduces gluten in grains2.

At Silver Hills, our unique sprouting process mirrors Mother Nature. We work purely with organic, non-GMO whole grains, naturally sprouted to harness the best of select, quality ingredients. Our grains are sprouted under optimal, carefully controlled conditions. As the main ingredients in all our breads, sprouted grains are not crushed for flour but mashed to form dough. The end result? Delicious breads that offer the best health benefits in your body, the way we believe food was meant to be. 

Learn more about sprouted whole grains

Why does sprouted bread make the best grilled sandwiches? Explore the science and art of sprouting to learn why sprouted whole grain bread is a better-for-you choice for your family. Get recipes, tips—and a sprouting STEM activity for kids, too! Get your FREE Why Sprouted Handbook today.

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