Top 10 Health Benefits of Physical Activity

The health benefits of regular physical activity are indisputable, supported by decades of clinical and peer-reviewed research and scientific study. And the benefits aren’t limited to serious athletes. Even small volumes of activity—as little as 15 minutes per day—help improve health.1 So do what you can with the time you have. Because everyone can benefit from being active. And literally every step you take makes a difference. 

Including active transportation and leisure-time, regular physical activity:


Improves overall health-related quality of life2 and reduces premature death from all causes.3


Reduces the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases,2 including cardiovascular disease, stroke, and high blood pressure,2 some cancers (including colon cancer and breast cancer),2 and type 2 diabetes.2


Improves bone health and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.2


Improves sleep quality and quantity.4


Helps manage stress, lowering cortisol levels.5


Supports mood and mental health, helps manage depression and anxiety symptoms as a complementary treatment.6,7,8


Supports brain health, focus, and cognition, reduces risk of dementia.9


Helps manage healthy weight and body composition, supports self-esteem and positive body image.6


Improves cardiorespiratory and physical fitness and muscular endurance.10


Improves ability to participate in everyday activities for all ages, especially middle-aged and older adults, and reduces risk of falls and injuries in older adults.10

Top 10 Health Benefits of Sleep

Evidence from scientific research across all ages, genders, and backgrounds shows the duration, timing, and quality of sleep you get significantly impacts your physical health, mental health, performance, and safety.11 

Sleep makes every area of your health better!

For healthy adults 18  –  64, regularly getting enough* restful sleep:

* What’s enough?

Experts recommend healthy adults get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.23


Makes it easier to cope with stress.12,13


Moderates mood and emotional regulation, and is a key positive factor in mental health,14 reducing risk of anxiety, major depression, substance use disorders, and suicide.15


Facilitates cognitive performance, working memory, and attention;16 may help reduce risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.15


Is positively associated with healthy weight and body mass index (BMI).17,18


Supports healthy glucose metabolism and helps regulate a healthy appetite and feelings of hunger and fullness.19


Supports healthy immune system function and inflammatory response,19,20 reducing risk of bacterial and viral infections.15


Reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease,21 high blood pressure,21 and stroke.19


May reduce your risk of some cancers.11


Helps prevent accidents caused by fatigue, and impaired motor coordination, slowed reactions and judgment due to lack of sleep.11


Is positively associated with better health-related quality of life and reduces premature mortality risk.22