Welcome to The Sprouted Life Challenge—thanks for signing up!

Four emails, five SMART ideas, and a bounty of healthy how-tos and simple tips. That’s all it takes to start living The Sprouted Life every day—so let’s get started!

At Silver Hills Sprouted Bakery, we believe in the power of plant-based food and simple choices to help people live healthier lives. And we’re on a mission to make healthy eating easier for you and your family.

The Sprouted Life is about doing the simple things—because those end up being the big things.

None of us can fix everything at once—and it’s hard to live up to our best intentions when we set unrealistic goals1, 2. The Sprouted Life helps bridge the gap between knowing what to do and acting on it by offering simple, bite-sized tips and takeaways that every one of us can do.

SMART: Better health begins with this five-letter acronym.

Better health sprouts from five areas (and nutrition is only one of them!). The Sprouted Life will walk through each area using the easy-to-remember acronym, SMART:

Check your inbox now!

Read the first email in The Sprouted Life Challenge to start learning how to use SMART as your guide to small, doable things that can make a big difference on your journey to living a full, healthy, and active life!